#100 - Being the Boss with Miss Bosscat

Here we are, the hundredth episode of The Best Ceats Podcast! Making it to this episode is an achievement I am very proud of, and I wanted to make sure my guest for this episode was someone with a personality, and resumé that matched this moment. When it comes to the Orange County hospitality scene, few people have a persona that is as grandiose as my guest, Miss Bosscat of Bosscat Kitchen & Libations. What can you say about this woman that her list of accomplishments doesn't already tell you? She is a fiercely hard-working human being that I am so proud to have on the show - not just to showcase her success as a restauranteur, but also as a human being who knows the tolls this industry can take all too well, and never shies away from a moment to help those along their own journey navigating this wild ride. 

Her story is a perfect example of why this podcast was first created, and I am forever in her debt for coming on the show to share her story. I am indebted to every guest who has made this possible, all of the supporters on Patreon, and every single person that has ever listened to this show for even just a minute.

Thank you for the support, and cheers to one hundred episodes. 
